A few weeks ago, a letter arrived from the FAA. I knew what it was, it was either my Third Class Airman Medical Certificate or it was a denial. The letter seemed rather light, not good. There was clearly more than 1 piece of paper in the envelope, so maybe a good sign, but I was expected something a little large if it was in fact my cert.
As I opened the letter and read the beginning sentences, my heart sank, ... it read "due to your medical history you do not qualify for a medical certificate." I figured the rest of the letter was the bureaucratic details on how to do an appeal. But as I read on, I was surprised, instead I qualified for a special issuance. The issuance comes with some strings, I have to return to the doctor in early May, get an updated "appraisal" along with a statement from my CFI stating I am adapting well to tasks in the air. Ok. I can do that.
And then there it was. The last page was my Medical Certificate, which is my student pilots license. I was stunned. Its been so many months, I didn't think I would get it. As you know, our life has changed rather significantly in these past few months. I was filled with a mix of emotions, I honestly figured that eventually I would just get lost in the bureaucracy and never hear back or I would just get flat out denied. With our new baby, it was also a bit of an "excuse" that well I can't fly because I don't have my medical. Now I do, so now I have to make a decision. We are 2 1/2 months away from welcoming our first child, extraordinary excitement, guilt, confusion flooded me. Obviously its a significant commitment in time, money, and energy to do this right. And of course even more so can be said for that of our baby to be born.
So, I decided to take this to God, I received the medical certificate back in March, so I have been praying, trying to get some guidance and discernment. I went to the Eau Claire fly-in 2 weeks ago, to see if the excitement was still there. It is, but I still feel conflicted. After a couple more weeks of contemplation and prayer, I decided to at least complete the requirements to get my permanent medical certificate. Hopefully this won't take too long, and will get me a few more hours in the plane. If after that I decide this is something I want, I can always pick it up at a better time in our lives (within the next 5 years when the medical needs to be renewed). And of course, after these next few lessons, if I am bitten hard by the aviation bug, then Laura and I can work that out. She has already been ultra supportive and thinks I should go for it right now.
So, I scheduled an appointment with my CFI on Friday 4/10, to review the medical requirements and hopefully an hour in the air. I figured, if God wants me to continue, let me first get the medical completely done and see how I feel.
I will write another blog entry after the first "official" training flight, I am sure there will be lots to discuss.
EDIT! Hah! As I posted this, my CFI called and has a sinus thing going, so no flying, rescheduled for next week.
Otto: 24-30 Months
1 year ago
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