Monday, June 15, 2009

Lesson 18 - Crosswind landing practice, 2nd Solo!

Building Confidence!
The weather today seemed perfect to practice crosswinds. Changing directions all day, and early afternoon it was gusting to 17 kts, but it settled to about 8 kts when it came time for my lesson. So, I knew when getting to the airport, it would be a game-time decision. After talking it over, it was a great day to practice crosswinds. Jack asked if I wanted to go by myself, I said I wanted him a long for a few trips first. So, off we went on runway 22, with about a 20* crosswind. A couple times around the pattern, and had a few nice landings. I am certainly starting to become a bit more discriminating on my quality landings. Honestly, each one was pretty nice, not awesome, but miles ahead of where I once was. Jack was also pretty happy with my performance today, noting "Geez, flying like you've you've been doing this along time." and "Very nice crosswind landing, excellent!" Did a few landings on 22, then switched over to 14, which had a more dramatic crosswind, and did pretty good there too. So, after 0.9 hours and about 6 landings, Jack jumped out, and sent me on my way. but he wanted me on runway 22. He was ok with me doing touch and goes, and stressed.... "Checklists, Checklists, Checklists!"

So, I wasn't that nervous this time. Taxied down to 22, waited for the landing Menards jet. Asked for clearance, and of course, "8BR, cleared left traff.... no wait, can you make right traffic for me?" Oh crap, most of my experience has been doing left traffic, but I had done right traffic before, and worst off is I go around, so I replied, "Cleared for takeoff, runway 22, happy to make right traffic, 8BR!" Off I went, all gauges green, lift off. As I was mid downfield, I hear... "XXX on 5 mile left base, runway 22." Oh, nuts, I got more incoming menards jets, and we are opposite patterns on the same runway. No need to get excited, wait until you see them and they turn final, then make your turn to base. Boy, it took forever for them to turn final, I was about 4 miles out before I got to turn base, I never started my descent until I turned myself on final! So, that was a very interesting landing, very smooth, but a great example of making me adjust my pattern to fit the traffic, exactly what is expected of me. So, went around for another 0.7 hours and 5 landings, most not too bad, one I bounced just a tad, and drifted a little down the runway, but much better than my 3rd solo landing last week.

So, I feel myself getting better. Its funny, I never experienced that "click" feeling when all of sudden everything fell into place, its been a very gradual beating into me. After getting back, talked more with Jack, he feels I am ready for a solo cross country, if I feel I am ready. He had suggested LaCrosse, but thats a good 60 miles, I wanted to start with something a little shorter, especially during the week when I am pressed for some time. So, later this week I have another lesson, if weather cooperates, I will make a mini-cross country solo to Menomonie!

Also thought the image of this posting was very fitting, being a star wars nut and all. Notice I edited it, this is a family blog afterall!


Proprietors of Chateau del Mulsoff said...

I. Love. The Photo. Aw-YEAH. No more snakes on this MF-plane! I SQUISH them with the Force!

Congrats dude! I'm glad thatyou aren't going willy nilly into flying long distances yet; it's comfy to know the big bro is still taking baby steps. :)

Jake said...

I'm with Lori. :) Someday...we must have a star wars fest. And maybe you can fly us all there! Great job Dennis! - Jake (i still have no idea why this has me as Joe the Plumber??)

yo mama said...

Woo Hoo, you are the master!!
Great going.