Monday, June 8, 2009

Presolo Written Exam ... Done!

Well, another brief entry. Today I was scheduled to fly after work, but the weather wouldn't cooperate. The ceilings really didn't get much better than 1500 ft AGL, with varying scatter clouds around 700 ft. Really can't stay legal in that mess, marginal at best. So, instead Jack and I used the time to review my presolo written exam. It is a pamphlet of about 40 questions varying to FAR/AIM regulations, airport operations, flight, aircraft performance & procedures. It really wasn't a graded exam, we just went through my answers to each (and for each I noted where in the FAR/AIM I found it). I got all of them correct, but it was homework and I got to use all supplemental help. But the point wasn't to test my memorization skills, rather it was to make sure I understood the concepts and displayed the willingness to spend time studying the material in earnest. Of course, flying isn't all just bee-boping around the skies, it takes careful and thoughtful planning, and I think this was more of a test of my attitude and work ethic. So, after about 1.5 hours, got my log book endorsement signed, another tick off the checklist to becoming a pilot!


Unknown said...

Congrats! Keep up the good work!

yo mama said...

Way to go!!!